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Tropical Beauty of Weekuri Lagoon as an Awesome Holiday Destination

Weekuri is a salty lake or lagoon. The level of salt in this lagoon is high enough to float visitors who soak in it. The water in this lagoon is crystal clear and blue tosca to make visitors want to linger to enjoy the panorama.

Weekuri is interesting because of the water color in it, the rocks, and the surrounding natural scenery, including the waves which crashed inside the stone cavity that sneaks up to 70 meters to the mainland.

Weekuri Lagoon
Weekuri Lagoon (image taken from id.wikipedia.org)

Weekuri is located in Kalenarogo Village, North Kodi Subdistrict, Southwest Sumba District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia.

Tropical Beauty of Weekuri Lagoon

The Hidden Lagoon in Sumba

The tropical beauty of Weekuri Lagoon as an awesome holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Weekuri comes from Sumbanese language, ie "wee" means water and "kuri" means spark. Weekuri means water which is the result of splashes of corals that penetrate into the mainland, then form a lagoon.

Weekuri Lagoon is oval shaped. The length of the lagoon is about 150 meters and the width of the farthest is about 50 meters. The depth of this lagoon on the left is about 3 meters and its right about 5 meters when the sea has rising tide.

View of Weekuri Lagoon from the Air
View of Weekuri Lagoon from the Air (image taken from beritagar.id)

When the sea recedes, the lowest depth of the lagoon is only about 30 cm and only white sand that looks shiny. Meanwhile, the deepest depth of about 2.5 meters.

Lush trees surround the Weekuri Lagoon. The rocks at the edge of the lagoon form stalagmic and stalagmite that is so beautiful. Visitors often use this natural cave to take shelter and relax.

The Rock at the Edge of Weekuri Lagoon
The Rock at the Edge of Weekuri Lagoon (image taken from exploresumba.com)

At the edge of the beach there are giant rocks. On the giant rocks that separated the lagoon and the sea, grew coral trees. Beneath the rocks, sea water rumbles, in and out of the crevices in the rocks to the lagoon.

The sea water entering through the crevices of these rocks will be mixed with fresh water from the spring. Combination of warm and cold water will be felt in some areas of the lagoon. Visitors who swim in this lagoon will feel the sensation of different temperatures.

Not only enjoy the scenery, visitors can also swim and play water in this lagoon. Visitors who soak in the lagoon can float in a long time. This happens because the salt content is high. In addition, the water in this lagoon is very clear and colored bluish.

Very Clear Water in Weekuri Lagoon
Very Clear Water in Weekuri Lagoon (image taken from mrvpoint.wordpress.com)

In addition to playing water or swimming, visitors can also enjoy and explore the beauty of this lagoon from a height. Visitors only need to walk along the path to the west following the sound of the roar of the waves, then up the cliff that jutted into the ocean. When climbing these rocks, visitors must be extra careful because the rocks are very pointed and sharp.

From the top of this cliff, visitors will feel different sensations. Much more beautiful if visitors enjoy the panoramic beauty of Weekuri Lagoon from the top of this cliff. Blue ocean with its waves that hit the cluster of corals that surround the lake will make visitors amazed. Weekuri will look like a blue pool when viewed from a height.

Coral Rock Cliffs Separate Weekuri and the Sea
Coral Rock Cliffs Separate Weekuri and the Sea (image taken from kelilingbumi.com)

The perfect time to visit Weekuri lagoon is at 4 pm. In the afternoon, the sun begins to incline to the west so that its blue sky will reflect light into the lagoon. In addition, visitors can watch the sunset from the top of this cliff.

How to Go to Weekuri Lagoon

From Tambolaka (the capital of Southwest Sumba District), visitors can first rent a motor vehicle.

This lagoon is about 60 km from Tambolaka. Access to the lagoon is still quite difficult because there is no public transportation and its location is far from urban areas.

There is no road leading to the location so visitors should frequently ask the locals about the location of the lagoon.

Tambolaka to Weekuri
Tambolaka to Weekuri (image by Google Maps)

The condition of the road leading to this lagoon is varied: some points have been coated by asphalt, but there are some points that are still rocky and still in the process of hardening the soil.

On the way to Weekuri, on the left of the street visitors will see a resort belonging to a Frenchman who runs Mandorak Beach, one of the beaches in the Kodi region. Not far from there, visitors will enter the area of the Weekuri Lagoon marked by a guard post.

Next from the guard post, visitors still have to walk about 20 meters to get to the lagoon location. If visitors want a quiet atmosphere, should not come on weekends. Do not forget to wear comfortable and strong footwear because this place is filled with sharp corals.

Facilities and Accommodation

There are no supporting facilities in the lagoon area such as food stalls, toilets, or even lodging. We recommend that visitors bring food and drinks. Bring also extra clothes. Do not forget to bring your camera and tripod to hunt for landscape photos.

Visitors can stay at Tambolaka. In Tambolaka there are several inns with varying prices.


Tropical Beauty of Weekuri Lagoon as an Awesome Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Weekuri Lagoon as an Awesome Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on March 11, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. weekuri lagoon is one of heaven place in Indonesia. all of you guys, must visited that place
