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Tropical Beauty of Halo Tabung Cave as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination

The tropical beauty of Halo Tabung or Haji Mangku Cave has not been much explored since the location of this cave is quite hidden. Being in the middle of the forest, Halo Tabung Cave is a cave submerged by water. This makes the Halo Tabung Cave more visible as a lake or a natural pool rather than a cave.

This cave is located in Payung-Payung Village, Maratua Subdistrict, Berau District, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Maratua is Indonesia's outer islands and is located in the sea of Sulawesi. The island is close to the Indonesia-Malaysia border.

Halo Tabung Cave
Halo Tabung Cave (image taken from event.kompasiana.com)

Maratua location is close to Derawan, just one hour when using a speed boat. For visitors coming from Jakarta can start the journey from Tarakan or via the port of Tanjung Redep after landing at Kalimarau Airport, Berau.

Tropical Beauty of Halo Tabung Cave

Hidden Paradise in Maratua

The tropical beauty of Halo Tabung Cave as an awesome hidden holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Halo Tabung or Haji Mangku cave is a hidden paradise in Maratua Island, on the other side of the island is rarely inhabited by humans. Halo Tabung or Haji Mangku Cave was discovered by a local resident named Haji Mangku. From some typical types of similar caves that exist in Maratua, Halo Tabung Cave is one of the most accessible.

The location of this cave is in the middle of a forest surrounded by lush trees. However, this cave is also very close to the beach. This cave is filled with clear brackish water. The water is bluish. It is said that this happened because in one part of the cave connected to the sea so that the sea water enter and fill this cave.

Halo Tabung Cave in The Forest
Halo Tabung Cave in The Forest (image taken from motivasinews.com)

Halo Tabung Cave with clear water as if it is a narrow and deep lake with an invisible bottom. This happens because the light can only reach a depth of about 3 meters. Although the sunlight is unable to reach the bottom of the cave, the conditions in the location are quite bright.

This cave has not been explored to its full potential. Therefore, no one knows the whole contents and cave area, even the true depth.

Swimming in Halo Tabung Cave
Swimming in Halo Tabung Cave (image taken from wiranurmansyah.com)

In this place visitors can swim and dive as much. The water is cool so it can refresh the weary body due to travel to this place.

To be in the water, there are two choices for visitors: jumping from the edge of the cave with a height of about 4 meters from the water, or slowly down the path on one side of the cave.

Jump to The Cave
Jump to The Cave (image taken from rifkysetya.com)

How to Go to Halo Tabung Cave

The journey can start from Maratua Island. There are 2 alternatives to the location of Halo Tabung Cave: by land or by sea.

The first alternative is through the land, visitors can use motor vehicles from Maratua Island to Payung-Payung Village. Then the journey continues with a trekking that takes about several hours to get to the location of the cave.

The second alternative is through the sea, visitors can rent a speed boat or boat owned by local fishermen with travel time about 20 minutes from Maratua Island. Arriving at the edge of the island (trekking point) which is the rocks, visitors can continue the journey with trekking about 10 minutes to get to the location of the cave.


  1. If visitors come from Derawan Island, then visitors can rent a boat that can take visitors to tour, as well as a stop to the Halo Tabung Cave.
  2. Better not to come alone. Come with some people and hire a local guide. They are the people who most understand this place.
  3. Wear strong footwear because the trekking path from the beach to the Halo Tabung cave full of sharp coral.
  4. Bring a waterproof camera. But hold it well so as not to loose. Remember that the bottom of the water in this cave is deep and dark.
  5. Bring a snorkel set to make it more comfortable to swim.
  6. Follow the guide's instructions, especially when jumping from the edge of the cave. This cave wall is dominated by corals. The guide knows where to jump and plunge safely.
  7. Visitors should come during the day to be able to enjoy the beauty of this place to the fullest. In addition, this place is very quiet.
Trekking to The Cave
Trekking to The Cave (image taken from bennyjurdi.blogspot.co.id)

Facilities and Accommodation

Although many modes of transportation (land or sea) are willing to deliver visitors to this place, but in this place there is only a simple dock. There are no other facilities in this place, except for a simple stall near the dock to eat and drink.

Visitors should bring stock of food and soft drinks purchased at Maratua before. For those who want to snorkel, free-diving or cave diving in the cave location also do not forget to bring the tools, because around the cave there is no rental equipment for snorkeling or diving.

Visitors can stay at Maratua or Derawan before coming to this place.


Tropical Beauty of Halo Tabung Cave as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Halo Tabung Cave as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on March 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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