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Tropical Beauty of Green Canyon as an Awesome Holiday Destination

This beautiful place is named Green Canyon, not Grand Canyon in the United States. But Green Canyon, once again Green Canyon. Green Canyon formed by erosion by the Cijulang River for millions of years and then penetrate the cave. Green Canyon is flanked by two rocky cliffs and lush trees so as to present a unique and challenging nature attraction.

This beautiful place is located in Kertayasa Village, Cijulang Subdistrict, Ciamis District, West Java Province, Indonesia. So, not in the United States, but in the tropical beauty of Indonesia. Not "Grand", but "Green".

Green Canyon
Green Canyon (image taken from commons.wikimedia.org)

Tropical Beauty of Green Canyon

The Green Beauty

The tropical beauty of Green Canyon as an awesome holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Green Canyon is actually the Cijulang River flow through a cave with exotic scenery because it has stalagtites and stalagmites are fascinating.

The origin of the name Green Canyon comes from a French tourist who came in 1993. This is because the water is clear and green. This greenish color comes from the color of the river water that flows in this canyon and the lush green moss that thrives on the cliff side. Therefore, this place is then popular with the name Green Canyon.

Under a land bridge ... or a collapsed cave?
Under a land bridge ... or a collapsed cave? (image taken from uprint.id)

However, locals call this place "Cukang Taneuh" which is a land bridge. This is because on the Green Canyon there is a land bridge used by farmers to go to their gardens.

The trip to Green Canyon starts from the Ciseureuh pier. Visitors must travel for 30 to 45 minutes using a wooden boat called "Ketinting".

Trip on Ketinting
Trip on Ketinting (image taken from mediapangandaran.com)

This ketinting will bring visitors down the river. Along the way, visitors will be treated to views of the towering green trees along the river bank. If lucky, visitors can see some animals around the river: the fish are swimming, the birds with the melodious voice above the trees, monkeys, and monitor lizards. 

In addition, visitors can also enjoy waterfalls that descend from the cliff or browse the caves that exist in this place.

Awesome Activities

The beauty of the Green Canyon is an incredible photo object. So do not forget to bring a camera for photography activities. Shoot beautiful objects in this place. Do not forget to bring a waterproof camera or wrap the camera with a waterproof wrapper.

Batu Payung, One of The Jump Spots in Green Canyon
Batu Payung, One of The Jump Spots in Green Canyon (image taken from piknikboss.com)

During the long journey on the boat, visitors will meet a variety of river currents that allow visitors to swim. Visitors can swim in this clear river water while looking at the fish.

Jump to The River
Jump to The River (image taken from hipwee.com)

If visitors love the challenge, visitors can try jumping into the river from the rock with a height of 5 meters above the water or try rock climbing attraction. While for visitors who like tranquility, boating while fishing will be a fun option.

Body Rafting in Green Canyon
Body Rafting in Green Canyon (image taken from globaltransholiday.com)

One of the favorite activities of visitors in this place is body rafting. Body rafting package is not only rafting, but visitors can also enjoy swimming in the clarity of Green Canyon water, jumping from the cliff with a height of 9 meters, and also trekking.

How to Go to Green Canyon

If visitors depart from Jakarta, the best route by car is through Bandung to Tasikmalaya. From Tasikmalaya, there are two paths that can be taken.

The first route is through the eastern route through Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar City, Pangandaran, Parigi, Cijulang, and Ciseureuh pier. This route has a distance of about 170 km.

The second route is through the southern route through Tasikmalaya, Cipatujah, Cikalong, Cimanuk, Cijulang, then to the Ciseureuh pier. This route has a distance of about 60 km.

The First Route to Green Canyon
The First Route to Green Canyon (image taken from bodyrafting-guhabau.com)

Although the second route is shorter, the road conditions on the second route are ugly.


  1. When it rains this place is closed. So come during the dry season.
  2. Do not come on weekends and school holidays in Indonesia. This place will be very crowded. Visitors should come on a regular day because this place is actually open every day.
  3. The morning is the best time to start enjoying the beauty of this place. Visitors will have time all day exploring all the things in this place.
  4. Prepare enough cash when visiting Green Canyon because in this place there is no automatic teller machine.
  5. Prepare extra clothes if the visitor plans to swim. Do not worry if you do not bring a life jacket because the boatman has provided it.
  6. Bring food and drinks because the food stalls are only at the entrance and it's far.
  7. Use comfortable footwear and special for outdoor activities because the rocks around this place is quite slippery.
  8. Bring a waterproof camera or a special waterproof wrapper for the camera if you want to do photography activities.
  9. Bring a waterproof bag to protect electronic items.
  10. Bring a bag for the bin. Do not litter.

Facilities and Accommodation

A number of food stalls are available near the parking lot. In addition visitors can also buy souvenirs at the gift shop in the same location.

Visitors have several choices of places to stay. If visitors are not too tired, visitors can travel approximately one hour to Pangandaran. There are more lodging with varying prices. But, if visitors are very tired, visitors can look for lodging in Batu Karas Beach area, approximately 15 minutes from Green Canyon.

In this place there are also many pedicab drivers and motorbike rental drivers who can take visitors.

Welcome to Green Canyon
Welcome to Green Canyon (image taken from bodyrafting-guhabau.com)


Tropical Beauty of Green Canyon as an Awesome Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Green Canyon as an Awesome Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on March 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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