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Tropical Beauty of Gunung Tujuh Lake as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination

Gunung Tujuh lake has a million exoticism that can make the eyes feel  fresh. The lake is formed by the eruption of Mount Kerinci. The water in the lake is very clear and clean with a cool atmosphere around the lake. The lake is still very beautiful and natural. One of the natural beauty in this lake is the visitor can watch the sunrise and sunset with a very stunning panorama.

Gunung Tujuh lake is a lake located in Kerinci district, Jambi province, Indonesia. The exact location is in Pelompek village, Kayu Aro subdistrict. This lake is located in the area of Gunung Tujuh, a mountain located just behind Mount Kerinci. Gunung Tujuh is still included in the Kerinci Seblat National Park which is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Gunung Tujuh Lake
Gunung Tujuh Lake (image taken from tabloidwisata.com)

This tropical tourist spot is not yet popular in the world, very natural, even hidden in the forest.

Tropical Beauty of Gunung Tujuh Lake

Lake of The Gods

The tropical beauty of Gunung Tujuh Lake as an awesome hidden holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

The name of Gunung Tujuh Lake is taken from the number of mountains that surround this lake. There are seven mountains around this lake that is Mount Gunung Tujuh, Mount Jar Panggang, Mount Madura Besi, Mount Hulu Tebo, Mount Lumut, Mount Hulu Sangit, and Mount Selasih.

This lake is one of the natural phenomena that formed from the eruption of the mountain hundreds of years ago. This lake is a lake with a very high geographical position, which is located at an altitude of 1950 m above sea level.

Gunung Tujuh Lake
Gunung Tujuh Lake (image taken from lihat.co.id)

Its location is in the highlands, making this place has a very cold temperature for the tropics. The water in this lake feels very cold too, especially in the morning.

Because it is located in the national park area, then around the lake can be found a variety of flora and fauna, such as tigers, sun bears, wild pigs, birds, butterflies, orchids, and others.

If visitors visit Gunung Tujuh lake, then visitors can rent a canoe and paddle to explore the lake.

Explore The Lake using a Canoe
Explore The Lake using a Canoe (image taken from lihat.co.id)

Myth Stories

Gunung Tujuh lake also keeps a mythical story. That said, the lake is inhabited by two figures of mythical creatures named Lbei Sakti and Saleh Sri Menanti. There is also their followers, the mythical tiger.

Another version mentions that the lake is inhabited by a pair of dragons. Male dragon inhabit the lake, while his partner inhabits the river.

How to Go to Gunung Tujuh Lake

The location of this lake is quite far from the center of Jambi province, Indonesia. The distance that must be taken from the Jambi city reaches more than 550 km. Although classified as very far, but the charm of natural beauty that will be obtained visitors in this place will really be comparable to the sacrifices that must be taken.

If visitors depart from the center of Jambi City, then the visitor will travel quite long. From the city of Jambi, visitors should head to the Sungai Penuh area. To get to the ​​Sungai Penuh area, then visitors can take advantage of bus facilities or private vehicles with travel time of about 10 hours.

From the ​​Sungai Penuh area, then visitors will travel to Pelompek village, Kayu Aro district. The time required to reach this location is about 1 hour by motor vehicle. From this location, visitors must walk to Gunung Tujuh lake for approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the choice of paths taken by visitors.

To be able to be in the location of this lake, visitors can pass through two entrance lane by walking.

The first entrance is at the gate of the guard post of Kerinci Seblat National Park. Through this path, visitors will get a path with conditions that are quite friendly and not too steep. The time it takes to reach the lake location through this path is about 3 hours.

If visitors want to get a shorter time, then visitors can take an alternative path, from behind the homestead of Gunung Tujuh. This track has a slightly more extreme track than the first one. The track is quite steep. Even so, visitors only takes 2 hours.

Facilities and Accommodation

Gunung Tujuh lake has very limited facilities and accommodation. If visitors want to spend the night in the hotel, then there is a pretty decent hotel away from the lake. 

If visitors have a limited budget, then visitors do not have to worry because visitors can use homestay located in Kersik Tuo.

But the way most visitors choose is to set up a tent. Around the lake, there are several places with sand like in the beach. The place, usually used by visitors to set up tents and overnight in this lake. They deliberately spend the night at the place because they want to see the charm of the sun rises on the Gunung Tujuh lake.

Set up a Tent
Set up a Tent (image taken from jimzzz.wordpress.com)


Tropical Beauty of Gunung Tujuh Lake as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Gunung Tujuh Lake as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on February 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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