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Tropical Beauty of Waimarang Waterfall as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination

Deep in the forest of Sumba, stored tropical natural charm of Indonesia. There is a waterfall surrounded by cliffs. Below this waterfall has formed a pond. Because of its hidden location in the forest, it is like a private swimming pool. This waterfall called Waimarang Waterfall.

Waimarang Waterfall
Waimarang Waterfall (image taken from 5cangku.com)

Waimarang waterfall is located in Melolo area, which is in Watu Hadang Village, Umalulu Subdistrict, East Sumba District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Because it is in the middle of the forest and under the abbys, visitors need extra effort to get here.

Tropical Beauty of Waimarang Waterfall

Pond of Heaven in the Forest

The tropical beauty of Waimarang Waterfall as an awesome hidden holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Location of Waimarang Waterfall is very quiet because it is in the middle of a forest that is difficult to reach. This waterfall only 2 meters tall. But it has a pond with a calm stream and clear water. Blue water under Waimarang Waterfall is very beautiful which invites anyone to swim for a long time.

The quiet forest atmosphere, the sound of insects and birds chirping, and the beauty of the pond under the waterfall make this pond like a pond of heaven. This atmosphere makes every visitor to feel comfortable and peaceful.

Swimming in The Pond of Waimarang Waterfall
Swimming in The Pond of Waimarang Waterfall (image taken from travelingyuk.com)

This waterfall is surrounded by rock cliffs. In addition to swimming, visitors can do cliff jumping. But be careful because the rocks on this cliff somewhat slippery. Thus, the safety factor should remain a priority.

Standing on the Cliffs of Waimarang Waterfall
Standing on the Cliffs of Waimarang Waterfall (image taken from travelingyuk.com)

At noon, the sun will break through the rock crevice. That light will have a stunning effect when visitors take pictures. The result is this waterfall looks more beautiful. 

How to Go to Waimarang Waterfall

The route to Waimarang Waterfall is not easy. From Waingapu City, visitors must continue their journey by motor vehicle towards Melolo. After that, visitors continue the journey towards kananggar. Before arriving at Kananggar, visitors turn towards Waimarang. Occasionally ask local residents so that the intersection towards Waimarang is not missed.

Arriving in Waimarang, visitors must park the vehicle in a savanna. After that, visitors trekking down a very steep ravine. There is a simple descending trekking path made by local people. Once down the ravine, visitors enter the forest. Inside the forest, the trekking track is quite easy because it is flat.

Route from Waingapu to Waimarang Waterfall
Route from Waingapu to Waimarang Waterfall (by Google Maps)

Out of the forest, visitors will return to the savanna. In this savanna, visitors through the right lane then back down the ravine. Under this abyss visitors will find Waimarang Waterfall.

Facilities and Accommodation

Currently there is only a savanna that becomes a parking lot and a simple trekking track. In this place there are no facilities and other accommodation.

Therefore, visitors can bring extra clothes, food, drinks, and garbage bags. Do not litter. If you can, pick up the garbage which is found in this place to keep this place clean.

Do not forget to wear comfortable, strong, and anti-skid footwear. This is important because this location is not easy to access by visitors.

Hard Trekking to Waimarang Waterfall
Hard Trekking to Waimarang Waterfall (image by @adigerimu)

Come in the dry season. In the rainy season this place can be dangerous. The good news, the rainy season in Sumba is shorter than the dry season.

In addition, return before the afternoon so trekking tracks can still be seen. Always put safety first.

Visitors can rent lodging in Waingapu City. In this city there are various lodging with varying prices.


Tropical Beauty of Waimarang Waterfall as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Waimarang Waterfall as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on March 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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