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Tropical Beauty of Sambangan Secret Garden as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination

The Sambangan Secret Garden is a hidden paradise untouched by many. This is because the location is difficult to reach and require extra effort to be able to enjoy the beauty that is in it. The Sambangan Secret Garden offer a different waterfall charm than others. In this area visitors can find many waterfalls in one location.

Visitors must do trekking to one waterfall to another waterfall. But visitors do not have to worry because the sense of tired that is felt will be paid by the beauty of nature and waterfall is very impressive in this place.

Sambangan Secret Garden
Sambangan Secret Garden (image taken from kintamani.id)

This place is located in Sambangan Village, Sukasada Subdistrict, Buleleng District, Bali Province, Indonesia.

Tropical Beauty of Sambangan Secret Garden

The Secret of Sambangan Secret Garden

The tropical beauty of  Sambangan Secret Garden as an awesome hidden holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

The Secret of Sambangan Secret Garden is located in the Sambangan Village. Sambangan Village has natural scenery that is still natural and very beautiful, is perfect for visitors who want to enjoy nature recreation. So many visitors who come only to be able to enjoy the scenic beauty in this village. Sambangan Village was chosen as a trekking place in Bali because the village has waterfalls are still natural and beautiful.

Sambangan Trekking Tour
Sambangan Trekking Tour (image taken from balitours.co.id)

The village is at an altitude between 500 m to 1020 m above sea level. This village is still very beautiful and cool because it is one of the villages with a wealth of shady forest.

Sambangan Village topography is quite varied. In the northern part of the village the topography is relatively flat, whereas in some places it is relatively steep.

The air temperature in this village area is cool and fresh. Besides known as a stunning natural attractions, Sambangan Village is also known as spiritual tourism.

The beautiful scenery at Sambangan Secret Garden is not just to spoil the eye. There are various activities that challenge adrenaline, such as sliding or jumping from above the waterfall.

Cemara Waterfall

Cemara Waterfall  is the best waterfall in the Sambangan Village. Its location is on the hill of Sambangan. To reach the location of this waterfall visitors must pass rice fields and roads are quite steep.

This waterfall has a height of about 25 meters and width of 6 meters. This waterfall presents an incredibly spectacular natural scenery. Very loud water debris and blowing mountain winds can be soothing.

Sambangan Cemara Waterfall
Sambangan Cemara Waterfall (image taken from balisambangantrekking.com)

In addition, in this waterfall there is a shallow pool that can be used for swimming or taking pictures.

Aling Aling Waterfall

Aling Aling waterfall has a height of about 35 meters and is in the middle of lush green trees. Location of this waterfall is also surrounded by high cliffs. The uniqueness that visitors can get when visiting this waterfall is that the waterfall is split into two parts. The water flow on the left is smaller than the water flow on the right.

Sambangan Aling Aling Waterfall
Sambangan Aling Aling Waterfall (image taken from ceritafebrian.com)

Not only that, under the waterfall there is a pool that can be used as a place to swim. This pool has a depth of about 4 meters. To get to the location of this waterfall, then visitors must do trekking through the stairs.

Kroya Waterfall

Kroya waterfall has a uniqueness that visitors can do sliding on the rocks that exist above this waterfall with a height of about 12 meters. This slide is naturally created.

The flow of water at Kroya Waterfall with a height of about 12 meters can be safely used to play the slide. Interestingly, the rocks that flowing water is quite smooth like an artificial slide. No wonder if visitors who come to the Kroya Waterfall always test their adrenaline by playing a slide here.

Sambangan Kroya Waterfall
Sambangan Kroya Waterfall (image taken from ceritafebrian.com)

Visitors who love extreme sports, can also jump from the cliff with a height of 5 meters. Kroya Waterfall is about 30 minutes from Aling-Aling Waterfall.

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon is a natural swimming pool with a very blue water color. Blue Lagoon is an icon of the Sambangan Secret Garden. Local people call this place "Puncak Sari Pool".

Sambangan Blue Lagoon
Sambangan Blue Lagoon (image taken from balisambangantrekking.com)

In this place visitors can enjoy a natural spa and feel the sensation of being massaged by water coming out of the rocks. This place is great for lovers of meditation because visitors can meditate in a peaceful and quiet atmosphere so as to refresh the mind.

Pucuk Waterfall

Pucuk Waterfall has a height of about 16 meters. In this waterfall visitors can feel the sensation of flying in the air like a bird by jumping from a height of 16 meters.

Not only that, just below this waterfall there is a pool that is very clear and soothing eye. Anyone would be interested in swimming or just taking pictures.

Sambangan Pucuk Waterfall
Sambangan Pucuk Waterfall (image taken from balijungletrekking.com)

In addition, around the waterfall there is also a large area so that visitors can camp. By camping around the location, visitors can be satisfied to enjoy the natural beauty in this place.

There are several other waterfalls at Sambangan Secret Garden: Dedari Waterfall, Kembar WaterFall, and Canging Waterfall.

How to Go to Sambangan Secret Garden

Sambangan Village is approximately 110 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport with travel time approximately 200 minutes.

Visitors can use a motor vehicle: private or rented. Toward the entrance of Singaraja City, visitors will find a fork with the signs to the left; shows direction to Sukasada terminal. Turn left then follow the path until the fork is in front of the village hall of Sambangan Village.

After arriving at Sambangan Village, visitors must walk through the path, dozens of stairs, rice fields, forests, and others.

The route from I Ngurah Rai International Airport to Denpasar to Sukasada
The route from I Ngurah Rai International Airport to Denpasar to Sukasada

So, before visitors come to this place, visitors must have a good physical condition. In addition, it is worthwhile for guide services to make travel easier.

Facilities and Accommodation

In the vicinity of Sambangan Village there are various lodging with varying prices. In addition, there is also a restaurant that serves a variety of typical food.


Tropical Beauty of Sambangan Secret Garden as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Sambangan Secret Garden as an Awesome Hidden Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on March 01, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. I like Aling Aling Waterfall, Whether you want to swim, a jump, or just to view the waterfalls, I highly recommend this. You’ll get a personal guide who is patient and skilled in the art of slow mo videos to take pictures of you. There’s no pressure to do the high jumps ( even though I highly recommend it ) and they’ll provide you with safety equipment. The guys there do the jumps a lot, so know all the good tips. For the price you can’t go wrong! As the sign says “never try, never know”
