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Tropical Beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake as an Awesome Holiday Destination

Labuan Cermin Lake has a very clear water, even the bottom of the lake which is the sand and other objects in it can be seen clearly. Because it is so clear, the object above the lake will appear as if it were on glass or even as seen floating in the air. This lake also has a unique water taste. The water in this lake has two flavors: salty and tasteless. The scenery around this lake is very calming because it is surrounded by lush trees that make the atmosphere becomes very shady.

Labuan Cermin Lake is a lake located in Labuan Kelambu Village, Biduk Biduk Subdistrict, Berau District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Although visitors must travel far enough, the fatigue will soon disappear after visitors see the natural beauty that is in this lake.

Tropical Beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake
Tropical Beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake (image taken from yukepo.com)

Tropical Beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake

The Lake Looks Like a Mirror with Two Flavors

The tropical beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake as an awesome holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Why is this lake called Labuan Cermin? Labuan Cermin Lake is a lake that has a very clear water bluish like a mirror (cermin is mirror in English). In this lake, sunlight is reflected. Sunlight is reflected because the lake water has two flavors: salty and tasteless. Tasteless will be felt when someone tastes water on the surface of the lake. Meanwhile, the water at the bottom of the lake was salty. And strangely, the two waters do not mix.

Boating as if Floating in the Labuan Cermin Lake
Boating as if Floating in the Labuan Cermin Lake (image taken from pergiyuk.com)

These two types of water make the lake have a dividing layer so that light can be reflected. Sometimes, people call this lake "lake of two flavors".

Although looks shallow, visitors must remain vigilant because the depth of this lake reaches 4 to 5 meters.

While at Labuan Cermin Lake, visitors can do activities of swimming, boating, snorkeling, and diving.

Relax on a Buoy on the Labuan Cermin Lake
Relax on a Buoy on the Labuan Cermin Lake (image taken from liburmulu.com)

When diving, visitors will be able to see the fish that swim. There are fish that swim not far from the surface of the lake and some are far at the bottom of the lake. The different flavors of water have caused the fish to swim in different layers of water. Thus, visitors will be able to easily distinguish species of freshwater fish and saltwater fish in this lake.

So, in this lake there are two types of animal species: First, freshwater animals on the surface. Second, saltwater animals and coral reefs at the bottom.

Labuan Cermin Lake Surrounded by Lush Tropical Rainforest
Labuan Cermin Lake Surrounded by Lush Tropical Rainforest (image taken from hipwee.com)

In addition, the lake is surrounded by lush tropical rainforest. The combination of the green color of the trees combined with the color of the lake water that is bluish. This creates a refreshing blend.

How to Go to Labuan Cermin Lake

If visitors come from outside Kalimantan, visitors can use the plane for the purpose of Kalimarau Airport, Berau City.

But the plane route to Berau City usually transits first at Balikpapan Airport. Visitors need to not worry because this transit usually does not take a long time and the plane will soon leave for Kalimarau Airport, Berau City.

From Berau City, the journey continues towards Tanjung Redep area. From Tanjung Redep, visitors continue the journey to Biduk Biduk Subdistrict. The journey from Berau City to Biduk Biduk Subdistrict takes about 6 hours.

For nature photography lovers, it is advisable to use the landline. The journey can begin with a land vehicle from Sangatta/Samarinda City. It takes about 13 hours to reach Biduk Biduk Subdistrict. By using this land route, visitors will be able to enjoy the view of tropical rain forest that is still natural, then through the area of oil palm plantations and homes of local residents. But the road conditions on this land route are not all good, especially when it rains.

Bridge with a Dock to Labuan Cermin Lake
Bridge with a Dock to Labuan Cermin Lake (image taken from kanakurnia.wordpress.com)

From Biduk Biduk Subdistrict, visitors continue the journey to a bridge in this area. After arriving at a bridge, visitors will find a dock. From this dock, visitors continue the journey to Labuan Cermin Lake by chartering a boat.

Visitors can also hire a travel services or tour guides to make travel more easier.

Facilities and Accommodation

At the dock there is a snorkeling rental shop. For visitors who just want to play water and relax on the buoy, there are rentals that rent buoys and regular boats or boats that have transparent glass at the bottom.

For lodging, visitors can rent lodging in Biduk Biduk Subdistrict with various prices.


Tropical Beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake as an Awesome Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Labuan Cermin Lake as an Awesome Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on February 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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