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Tropical Beauty of Tangkahan as an Awesome Holiday Destination

Tangkahan is a hidden paradise in Sumatra because not many people know about the location that has become an ecotourism in Langkat regency, North of Sumatra province, Indonesia. Though there are beautiful places that can be a tourist destination for you who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the forest and sustainable nature. Typical tropical forest trees, rushing river water, hills and ravines, and a wide range of animal sounds into a package with a natural and fascinating appeal to visitors.

Tropical Beauty at Tangkahan
Tropical Beauty at Tangkahan (image taken from backpackerjakarta.com)

Tropical Beauty in Tangkahan

Ecotourism in Gunung Leuser National Park

The tropical beauty of Tangkahan as an awesome holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Tangkahan ecotourism is located in Gunung Leuser National Park area. Tangkahan filled with tropical forest vegetation with the condition of the land is hilly. This place is not just a tourist spot, but also a place to learn about nature and a variety of plants and animals.

Gunung Leuser National Park
Gunung Leuser National Park (image taken from dolandolen.com)

Tangkahan Forest is very dense. There are rivers, waterfalls, hot springs, and caves. Rafflesia Arnoldi can also be found in this place.

Bathe The Elephant and Ride It

Tangkahan is known as the place of wild elephants. One unique activity rarely found in other tourist sites is the opportunity to bathe the elephant and ride while exploring the forest. The river here is very clear and clean.

Bathe the elephant at Tangkahan
Bathe The Elephant at Tangkahan (image taken from wego.co.id)

Challenging Activities

Various challenging activities can also be done in this place, such as rafting, river tubing, rock climbing, jungle exploration, camping, and others.

River Tubing at Tangkahan
River Tubing at Tangkahan (image taken from sumatra-ecotravel.com)

Waterfall of Tangkahan

In Tangkahan there is also a waterfall. To reach it must cross the river because it is in the middle of the forest grove. The water is warm because it mixes with the hot springs on the cliff. Though three feet tall, there is no pool beneath it. Visitors can enjoy the swift pouring waterfall behind the cliff.

How to Go to Tangkahan

The journey to Tangkahan is not difficult because already available buses are ready to deliver to the destination. Arriving at Kuala Namu International Airport (KNIA), visitors can use Damri/Mebidang bus to Pinang Baris Terminal. The journey then proceed to Tangkahan with a long journey of four to five hours. Arriving at Tangkahan, there is usually a tour guide who is ready to deliver visitors to various places.

Map to Tangkahan from Medan
Map to Tangkahan from Medan (image taken from sumatraecotourism.com)

A Variety of Lodging

For visitors who intend to stay in a few days, no need to worry because it has available a variety of lodging. The price of lodging is quite affordable but still with good quality and service.


Tropical Beauty of Tangkahan as an Awesome Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Tangkahan as an Awesome Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on February 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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