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Tropical Beauty of Padar Island as an Awesome Holiday Destination

Padar Island keeps the charm of extraordinary beauty. Padar Island is filled with steep hills and stretches along the star-shaped island. To enjoy the beauty of the Padar Island, visitors must trecking up the hill and see how the hidden beauty behind the hill is really very fantastic.

Padar Island is the third largest island in Komodo National Park, after Komodo Island and Rinca Island. The island is relatively closer to Rinca Island than to Komodo Island. Padar Island is not inhabited by ora (Komodo dragons). Around this island there are also three or four small islands.

Padar Island
Padar Island (image taken from cerita.picmix.it)

Padar Island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as it is within the Komodo National Park area, along with Komodo Island, Rinca Island and Gili Motang.

Tropical Beauty of Padar Island

The Amazing Hills

The tropical beauty of Padar Island as an awesome holiday destination is something that must be visited by someone who expects a vacation experience in a tropical climate.

Padar Island beach has shallow contours. This causes the boat can not be anchored at the edge. Therefore, the boat must lower the anchor slightly away from the coral and beach areas. Visitors will then use a small boat like a lifeboat to get to the sand area of Padar Island beach. 

Beach at Padar Island
Beach at Padar Island (image taken from rona.metrotvnews.com)

After that, visitors will face a towering high hill in front of the eye. Climbing the hill on Padar Island is a mandatory if visitors want to see the true beauty of the island.


The main attraction of Padar Island is the incredible landscape of hills. There are many high hills here. For this reason, more people come to this island for trekking. Although it takes a lot of energy, it will not be a wasted effort. From the top of the hills, visitors can see the clear sky, beautiful beaches, and other interesting places. The atmosphere is amazing. Visitors can take advantage of this opportunity to photography, relax, or even paint. Padar Island has a higher hill than the nearby islands. So it is not surprising that Padar Island is more popular among trekkers.

Trekking Up The Hill at Padar Island
Trekking Up The Hill at Padar Island (image taken from backpackerjakarta.com)

Visitors should remember that it takes physical and mental preparation when visiting this island. Because to get to the top of this island requires a pretty tiring struggle. From the boat placement, to the top of the hill on Padar Island takes about 15-20 minutes trekking with an uphill track. Some of the paths even in the form of more than 45 degrees. For less experienced visitors it will usually take longer.

Trekking to the top of the hill Padar Island should be done with great caution. Visitors should use special climbing shoes, because the track of trekking quite slippery, dusty and even rocky.

The effort made by visitors to climb one of the hills on Padar Island will pay off. From the height of the hill Padar Island, visitors will be able to see the distinctive landscape of Flores. Arriving at the top of the hill visitors will be able to see the scenery at the tip of the island. The scene is a bumpy hill that stretches and is divided into two parts between the blue ocean.

This beautiful hill can not be treked because it is very steep. These hills are the icon of Padar Island which is usually used as a background for taking pictures. So, do not forget to prepare your camera!

Photogenic Spot at Padar Island
Photogenic Spot at Padar Island (image taken from marischkaprudence.blogspot.co.id)

How to Go to Padar Island

There are many ways to go to Padar Island. The first is through Labuan Bajo. Labuan Bajo can be reached easily by transit flight in Bali. From Labuan Bajo there will be many service providers offering one day trip to Padar Island.

Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park (image taken from thelostraveler.wordpress.com)

Padar Island is located quite far from the port in Labuan Bajo. As one of the islands in the outermost cluster, it takes about 3.5 hours to reach this place. The trip to the Padar Island is very interesting with a view of the various islands are brownish and blue sea also makes something so contrasting. Visitors will be persuaded by themselves to take as many photos as possible.

For visitors who have plenty of time, can also follow sailing trip or live on board which usually depart from Bali and Lombok. Visitors simply adjust only with the time and budget owned.


Tropical Beauty of Padar Island as an Awesome Holiday Destination Tropical Beauty of Padar Island as an Awesome Holiday Destination Reviewed by risza setiawan on February 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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